Electrical Company

The company offers both products and services used by a range of leading-brands across the construction, electrical, automotive, aerospace, alternative energy, and architecture industries. Each year, they organize a competition where professionals and students alike have the chance to compete for prizes. In 2021, Tero by Nearsure helped them manage data related to their electrical industry clients.

Energy and Natural Resources

The Challenge.

While the company originally planned to store their clients’ data— from participant registrations to check-ins and newsletter subscriptions— in Marketo, they soon realized they required an additional, easily customizable solution to meet their data storage needs. Tero by Nearsure helped them integrate Marketo with Salesforce so that they could synchronize records and increase the flow of information between platforms. As they have multiple Salesforce orgs and a single instance of Marketo, they needed to integrate the different sources under the same platform, something that Marketo does not provide. To address this challenge, there’s no other way than to create a programmatic solution to properly route the data flow.

The Solution.

Today, the company uses Salesforce to log details about their events, which then are reflected in Marketo, and displayed in an organized manner for users to create campaigns. After an event registration, the information flows first to Marketo, and then to Salesforce in order to create tasks for the company's users. By employing this, both systems are synchronized to prevent inconsistencies.

In the beginning, Tero by Nearsure helped adapt the data model to track event registrations and participants, leveraging Person Accounts, Campaigns and creating custom fields to store columns from existing databases.

The information they had from previous events was stored in multiple databases. Following best practices for handling large data volumes, Tero by Nearsure helped to combine multiple sources, map different fields, cleanse based on certain criterias, and link related tables using VLOOKUP formulas.

In order to support the registration process, we needed custom logic to create tasks automatically following event registrations. As the volume of registrations needed to be considered, a programmatic approach was used, favoring performance and reliability.

To support the connectivity between multiple Salesforce orgs and a single Marketo instance, a custom integration was created to synchronize records. By using Change Data Capture to track updates, and Apex to create an algorithm to reconcile changes made in Salesforce and Marketo, consistency was ensured, and the quality of the data improved.

To deploy the solution to the customers, we opted for the approach of Second-Generation Packages, to include cohesive components enhancing the maintainability for subsequent upgrades.


Data architecture


Data migration


Technologies used

Sales Cloud
Sales Cloud
External Services
External Services

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